Sooooooooooooo.....for two days in a row, I have felt a gush of fluid (TMI I know) so when it happened again on Saturday I decided to call my OB just to see if it was normal or not. The doctor decided to have me come in to check everything out since he was working on Saturday. We got in the car and half way to the doctors office I got a call saying that the doctor had to go to the hospital because one of his patients was in labor and to just meet him at L&D. We made the detour to the hospital. Little did I know that if you go to the hospital, you have to be checked in, hooked up to monitors and administered lots of tests before you can go. Apparently they were very busy yesterday because what should have taken 45 minutes ended up taking 3 hours. I didn't end up seeing the doctor but the nurses took care of everything. They did a test to determine if I was leaking amniotic fluid and hooked me up for an NST (basically just monitors baby's heart rate and any contractions).
The outcome:
1) I'm not leaking amniotic fluid.
2) I'm still only 2 cm dilated.
3) I'm having contractions....sporadic but still at least one every five minutes. They aren't necessarily painful yet though (just a few).
4) William is just fine and going to stay where he is for a little bit longer.
We did learn that it is very chilly at the hospital. Here are some pictures that TJ took during our adventure!
TJ was laughing cause I looked like a mummy after I just moved positions!!
Just watching Will's heart rate!