The Y's Happily Ever After

March 20, 2012


I've been trying to avoid saying it, but it's official...I'm sick :(  I left work around 11 am today (had to be there for the state wide tornado drill, especially since my beautiful school is covered with windows so we really need to make sure everyone would potentially be safe!).

Here is the kicker....did you really expect this to be easy, go to the doctor, get meds and feel better??  Really??  Nope...I have no fever :(   My nose isn't runny or stuffed, no sore tummy and I don't have a bad cough!  I'm super achy, exhausted and just feel yucky!  My chest feels a little tight and I cough occasionally but nothing significant.  I took a 2 hour nap today and woke up not feeling much better!!

AHHHHHHHHHH.....the plan is to take it easy and if I'm not better by Friday, I'll try to get an appointment with the doctor!!  All this and I'm supposed to run my first 5K on Saturday...looks like I'll be walking if doing it at all :(

Sorry to be a debbie downer with this post!!  Hoping that this post finds you HEALTHY and enjoying the beautiful (way to early to be this nice) weather :)

March 16, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers

What a week.....

- I realized that my Wordless Wednesday post with my two favorite people (TJ and Leo) was my 100th post :)  How fitting that my favorite people were the focus of my 100th post :)

- Have I mentioned how wonderful February/March is due to Girl Scout cookies??  We had a girl scout troop at school give each person in the office a box as a "thank you!"  Yes, you heard me right, a FREE box of girl scout cookies.  Sad to say that one whole sleeve of the Trefoils was devoured by TJ and I last nigh!

- First real SOL done, packed up and ready to leave my office on Monday.  Writing Field Test SOL will be done on Friday.  Writing Predictor placed in the courier today.  My office is looking empty and I LOVE it :)

- Even though the last few Fridays have been killers at work, I ALWAYS look forward to homemade pizza, a cold drink (alcoholic after today!) and catching up on TV with the hubby.  To make this night even better....comfy clothes!!

- St. Patrick's day is tomorrow!  While I'm not a big fan of "green beer," I do look forward to a few green cocktails with friends!!  It's always a great excuse to drink and have a blast with friends!

- Friends....I sure do have the best friends every!!  A special shout out (how old am I again that I just said shout out???) to Kelly for making the week so much easier and for saying all the right things and making me feel oh so special.

- Healthy babies and Happy mommies for several friends....hopefully I will be one of those soon!!

- A happy hubby who passed his stress test and found out his heart is working a-okay!

- Leo, oh Leo!!  He has been begging and sitting in front of the oven waiting for the pizza to cook the entire time I've been writing this post!!  He did several flips when chasing the ball today.  He literally flips over....super cute :)

Hope everyone has a great night!  Wish TJ luck as he is running the Irish 10K tomorrow....I'll post pictures :)

March 14, 2012

March 13, 2012