The Y's Happily Ever After

August 30, 2012

Thankful on Thursday

I apologize for the lack of posts as this was a super busy week with teachers returning to work and lots of meetings!!

SO much to be thankful for.....

1) 24 weeks to come tomorrow :)

2)  Parents noticing that I am pregnant and even one little first grader asking if I had a baby in my belly....oh the happiness I feel :)

3)  A successful Open House, meeting new Kindergarten students, and seeing old students.

4)  Cooler weather has allowed me to walk Leo every night for some extra exercise.

5) Lots of movement from William the past week.  If you know me, you know that I have been a little bit worried this pregnancy and with my anterior placenta, I wasn't feeling him move that often so I broke down and rented a doppler.  (Honestly, I cannot believe I made it this far without getting one!!)  It is amazing to hear William moving around and hear his heart beating nice and fast!!!  The best part is that I feel him move, without the doppler, several times a day.

6) Sleep.....I have been so exhausted lately that I actually look forward to going to bed...even if it is 8:30 - 9:00 pm :)

7) My hubby for putting up with my occasional mood swings and constant exhaustion.

8)  Baby's here and we cannot wait to get everything put together.  We put the chair together and it looks great!

9)  A three day weekend....thank goodness!!

10)  A very special shower for a very special baby girl due in a few weeks!!

11)  My mom for always listening and being my favorite afternoon call!!

12)  A great skype/phone date with good to see her and catch up!!

August 20, 2012

San Juan Island Trip

This is a long overdue post about our trip out west to visit my parent in the San Juan Islands, off the coast of Washington State.

Luckily, the 5 1/2 hour flight was pretty uneventful....long but thanks to and empty seat between TJ and I and compression socks it wasn't that cramped or too bad.  Mom and Dad Y also joined us...sitting right behind us.  Thanks to Mom Y, I got up every hour to stretch, move around and use the bathroom.

We arrived to see my parents (holding blue, "It's a boy," balloons) and TJ's sister, Tracey and 65 degree weather....seriously WONDERFUL :)

We began the journey from the airport to the ferry, about an hour drive.  Then it was an hour ferry ride to Friday Harbor...once off the ferry, we drove 10 minutes to my parents house.  TJ and I went last year and could definitely see all the hard work and changes my parents made.

Here are some of the views from my parents porch...breathtaking!
 Night View

We got to see the whales..........
 TJ and his sister ran the Anacortes Half Marathon together and we followed them in the car.
 Bentley Cheering them on...

 Still smiling

 TJ won by default as Tracey missed the finish line :)

Beer after the race!!

We took a trip to Victoria, British Columbia for the day and stopped at the world famous fish and chip place...super yummy!!

We visited the Lavender gardens...although I'm allergic it smelled pretty!!

My parents became friends with Bentley's sister, Holly, and we got to see them play cute!!

We spent lots of time relaxing, catching up, going on walks, roasting marshmallows at the fire pit and enjoying the weather.  It was so nice to spend a full week with my parents and while I miss them every day I look forward to seeing them again soon :)

August 9, 2012

21 Weeks

21 weeks pregnant today :)  We had our Level 2 ultrasound at 20 weeks (right after we got back from our trip to visit my parents in Washington coming soon!)  Everything looked "normal" and I'm progressing well (William is a little big and has long legs!!).  Did you catch his name??  William was upside down so the picture isn't the best but as always we thing it looks perfect!!  I can't figure out how to rotate the picture so you will have to turn your head :)

Total weight gain/loss: At my doctor’s appointment today I was up 7 total.

Sleep: Pretty good....I still get up to use the bathroom a few times but I'm so thirsty that I drink water at night!!  Having a hard time falling asleep but once asleep can pretty much stay asleep.  I feel bad for TJ as we have had to sleep in separate rooms a few times this week because I keep him up.

Best moment this week: Really feeling him move all around and kicking!

Movement: Found out at my Level 2 that I have an anterior placenta which was why I wasn't really feeling him move (phew) but this past week he moves, kicks and rolls several times a day.  He moves the most after I eat and when I'm sitting down.

Food cravings:  Outback Cheese fries...thanks for taking me on Wednesday honey :)

Gender: It’s a BOY....definitely a boy as confirmed at the level 2...the lady said, "no question, it's a boy, see!"

Labor Signs: NO....please NO!

Size of baby: Pomegranate or banana depending on where you look. He weighed 13 oz at our 20 weeks.  He also has very long legs at this point!

What I miss: Sleeping more on my stomach.  I never slept fully on my stomach...more like the side and stomach but now it's uncomfortable.

What I am looking forward to: TJ being able to feel him move :)

Milestones: Feeling him move this week.  Only 19 more weeks to go!!!  The doctor said today, "Everything looks great and I'll see you in 4 weeks two more times then it's every two weeks and the every week.  Your going to have a baby...YEAH!!"

Here are the pictures of me at 21 weeks :)