The Y's Happily Ever After

June 14, 2013

6 Months

William celebrated his 6 month birthday on Wednesday :)  We celebrated with Brae before she left to go back home to Washington State!  We enjoyed having Brae for three months and miss her terribly but will get to see her in just a few weeks when we make the trip to see her, Brumps, Steph, Erik and Zack.  Now for a 6 month update!
Height/Weight - We are guessing he weighs about 20 pounds and is at least 27 inches long :)  He has his official 6 month appointment on Thursday.
Eating - about 5 oz every three hours.  William loves prunes (go figure) and usually has prunes or banana's and a little bit of oatmeal cereal for breakfast and for dinner his favorites are sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash with a little bit of prunes or banana's from breakfast.  William loves water and likes to drink out of his sippy cup and loves to play with Mommy's big cup but gets confused when water comes out of my cup :)
Sleep - It's isn't horrible and it isn't great.  I fear that the pediatrician is going to encourage me to let him cry it out in order to drop his one early morning feeding.  He has started waking up in the middle of the night and typically needs mommy to rock him for a little bit and when he wake up between 3-5 am to eat he thinks it is playtime and usually struggles to go back to sleep because he would rather roll around, bring his feet up and bang them down, bang his hands, talk to himself and just have a good old time.  I'm really trying hard to let him work it out and put himself back to sleep.
Play - Will still loves anything that makes noise or sings.  He loves to sit up and reach for his toys.  He LOVES Mickey Mouse, his Roar toy, his piano that he can stand at and his sensory balls.  William loves to put things in his mouth and will move objects from one hand to the other hand.  William likes to play and sing in his pack and play while mommy cleans and folds laundry.

Like -  Mickey Mouse, taking walks in his Bob stroller, playing on the floor and reaching for his balls.  He is getting really good at sitting up, loves to chew on things, especially cold things, loves his baths and swimming around, reading books, playing with/petting/grabbing leo, sitting outside watching daddy do yard work, eating, bouncing, playing with singing toys, loves skyping with people, loves to flirt with the ladies, pulling off glasses, rolling around, hitting boxes, eating and naps on Mommy.

Dislikes - laying on his back when he wants to sit, getting frustrated because he can't crawl yet but is starting to figure it out, Peas (the face was pretty priceless), being tired, when people talk him through the monitor

 William took the next three pictures :)

June 9, 2013

Tubby Time

I know I have been horrible about posting....I promise things will get better now that school is winding down and SOLs are over :)  Here is a little something until then.....

William loves tubby time and has become quite the swimmer :)  He loves to take baths with Mommy and Daddy and here is just some of the fun he has!!

Love, love, love him!!