Height/Weight - 23 lbs. 3 oz and 29.75 inches long! Dropped to the 80th percentile for weight but staying at the 90th for height!
Eating - About 5 bottles a day (6 oz each). We are up to three meals a day.
Breakfast - oatmeal with pureed fruit, blueberries, raspberries, banana, and we kinda like yogurt (its growing on him).
Lunch - usually a stage 2 or 3 baby food pouch and some puffs
Dinner - a green pureed veggie and an orange pureed veggie, noodles, avocado (can't get enough of it), we started cheese this week, he has tried chicken and likes pizza crust. We are going to start introducing more meat and some beans.
He loves to eat...loves it...especially if he can feed himself!!
Sleep - It has been a rough few weeks!! Naps are still pretty good...one in the morning (1 - 1.5 hours), one in the afternoon (1 - 1.5 hours) and sometimes a cat nap (30 or so minutes) in the car or before dinner. He goes to be between 7:30 - 8:00 and has been waking up anywhere from 3:30 (YIKES) to 6:00 a.m. He doesn't make it much later than 6 a.m., even cuddling with me. Right now, I cannot bring him into bed with me because he completely wakes up...thank goodness for our fully reclining rocking chair in his room!! He has had a few rough nights where he wakes up around 11 pm and cannot seem to put himself back to sleep. The only positive to the 3:30 - 5:00 wake ups (see I'm trying to focus on the positive) is that he will cuddle and lay on me until it is time to wake up at 6 am. The downside is Mommy is very tired and has to get ready for work with a cute inquisitive baby crawling around her (which is pretty cute but takes twice as long!!)
Play - He still loves anything with music and any toy that he can hold onto and stand up. He is quite the dancer and likes to move and grove when his toys make noise. He is really into shaking things, banging things together, taking all the tissues out of the box, taking the diaper out of the holder, and any toy that allows him to practice walking. He is still pulling up on EVERYTHING and loves to be in the bathroom! He is a super fast crawler and loves chasing balls on the floor. He is starting to kinda get the idea of rolling a ball back and forth. And us saying "Uh oh" and "No...ouchie" seem to make him laugh!!
Like - dancing, crawling, walking with toys, banging toys, shaking toys to make noise, walks when daddy puts him on his shoulders, LOVED apple picking and eating apples, throwing things off his high chair, singing, playing with remotes, skyping with family and friends, pulling himself up on our legs, sitting on the deck/porch, looking out the windows, still a fan of the air conditioning grates, loves peek-a-boo, loves splashing during bath time, eating, snuggling and exploring every nook and cranny he can wiggle himself into!
Dislikes - having his face washed, being changed (he rolls around, wiggles and does everything to not sit still for a diaper change or clothes change), having a runny nose, green beans, and being still.
Still very happy and healthy and the happiness in our days!!
Did you really think you would get a picture with the sticker on Mom??
I want it!!
This feels cool!
It does NOT taste good!
Sticky Fun
Maybe it gets better with each taste?
Look Mommy....I'm a big helper!!