Two Friday's ago William had an ear infection and then got the stomach bug (first time he ever threw up and it was not fun) so I got to stay home with him and spend lots of time cuddling.
Then the stomach bug went through our entire house and William developed Bronchiolitis so I got the spend Monday and Tuesday afternoon with him and then the stomach bug hit daycare so I spent Friday with him. Monday was a holiday and we were off due to snow Tuesday and Wednesday so I have been home with my little man tons lately and I LOVE IT!!! I'm exhausted but have really had a fun time :)
It is amazing how much he grows in the matter of a few hours....he is really talking up a storm (we have no idea what he is saying other than "dada, this, dog and more" but he loves to chat away. My favorite is when he likes to read books...either by himself or backing up to sit in our laps!
It is amazing how much he grows in the matter of a few hours....he is really talking up a storm (we have no idea what he is saying other than "dada, this, dog and more" but he loves to chat away. My favorite is when he likes to read books...either by himself or backing up to sit in our laps!
Here are some random pics of our adventures together :)
We sit together in the morning and have kix and some milk while watching the news or Mickey before make breakfast! William LOVES eggs...seriously LOVES them!
One morning I got to sleep until 6 am and drink one cup of coffee before Will got up....this doesn't happen often so I had to capture the moment!
Another picture Mom...really?
This is how we open a box apparently.....we sit on it of course!!
See....we slide right in!
William decided to use the boppy as a pillow!
This could be fun??
Make it STOP moving......
Seriously look at that dirty look!
This is my view from the bathroom every morning!!
Just chilaxin!!
Helping Mommy make cupcakes!
Sometimes you just need to sleep on Mommy :)