The Y's Happily Ever After

March 17, 2014

Photo Dump

Another snow day....yes it is St. Patrick's Day and we probably have at least 8 inches of snow on the ground.  I love snow and chilly weather but I'm so OVER IT at this point.  The benefit is staying home with my William :)

Honestly, I'm exhausted!!!  It is hard to believe that in 5 or so weeks we will meet Lucas!!  Needless to say, most of my time is spent playing/chasing William, getting ready for maternity leave (I need to be at work to do so :(), and waiting to hear about our new house.

Speaking of our new house...we are still waiting.  Turns out the owner had two loans on the house.  We have had approval from one bank for over a month but are waiting for approval from Sun Trust.  I'm seriously frustrated that it is taking Sun Trust so long....anyone know anyone who works at sun trust so I can try to push this through quicker??

So we went from closing on March 14th to waiting :(  We have moved most of the boxes to the basement and are planning to be in our current house when Lucas arrives.

William is on the go go go go!!  He is talking up a storm (newest phrase is "uh oh" which he says for just about everything!!)

Here is a photo dump of our recent fun together :)
 Eating Breakfast with Mommy
 Apparently the toilet paper can double as a horse :)

 Loving Daddy's shoes

 Always on the go!
 New running shoes!

 Wearing Mommy's socks!

 Loving on his brother Lucas....ignore the scar....William was too cute to not post!