Height/Weight - At his four month appointment: 16 lbs 3.5 oz and 26 inches tall :)
Now I'm guessing he weighs at least 17 lbs!
Did I mention that he already has TWO bottom teeth and I can see the top ones coming in!!!
Eating- He is currently having 5 oz every 3-4 hours with a 6 ounce bottle before bed :) We started oatmeal cereal with a fruit/veggie around 6 pm. So far he likes sweet potatoes, pear and apples. He didn't care for the peaches!!
Sleep- Lucas is our little snuggler and he still enjoys being rocked to sleep (although at daycare he goes right down without rocking and sleeps forever...lol!!) He can stay awake for about 2 hours before wanting to sleep again! We are doing pretty good at night (knock on wood) as he goes to bed between 7:30 - 8:00 and sleeps until 2:00 - 3:30, eats, and sleeps for another 2-3 hours before waking up for the day.
Play- LOVES to go on walks in the carrier, anything that allows him to look at William, he will sit in his bouncy chair or jumper for about 10 minutes before wanting to get out, likes playing peekabo and putting everything in his mouth. He rolls from front to back and could roll from back to front but gets almost there and giggles and goes back :)
Likes - his brother William, anyone singing to him, long walks, anything were he's moving (especially in the carrier). He likes holding a blanket and chewing on his hands. He loves sleeping on mommy and daddy. He LOVES bath time and always splashes about. He talks all the time and has started blowing bubbles. He wakes up with a big smile and laughs the hardest at William.
Dislikes - love taps from his brother and getting teeth....otherwise he is a happy kiddo :)
William decided it was cool to be 5 months old as well!!