I'm trying very hard not to be sad and cry this Christmas....really hard! I find that if I keep myself busy, I do much better. Today, I stopped crying and pulled myself together when I started to think about how lucky I am and how it could be so much worse. I have been thinking about the little Kindergarten student who passed away at my school from a horrible disease and another family that recently lost their little one. It's when I think about and pray for these families that I realize that I can only allow myself to be sad and cry for a little bit because I have so much.
That being said, today I have made two coleslaw recipe's and an Apple Cake with caramel cream cheese frosting. I also made two, yes only two, cupcakes for my nieces to decorate for Jesus tomorrow. This is an amazing recipe and you only have to make two cupcakes at a time :)
This picture made me smile and think about how lucky I am to be married to my best friend....you are definitely the shake to my bake honey! I love you! I found this at Homegoods and if it's there next time I go, I have to purchase it!
Looking forward to spending time with Ashley and Ace tonight.....then off to celebrate Kochie (no idea how to spell this) with the Yuditsky's. Missing my mom and dad this Christmas but happy that they get to spend their first Christmas in their new place together :)
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