The Y's Happily Ever After

July 5, 2012

Revealing Thankful on Thursday

We have lots to be thankful for this Thursday so I won't keep you in suspense!!

1)  I think it is only normal that I have been a little worried this pregnancy due to my hubby likes to joke that I'm crazy (partly true).  That being said, I have been feeling lots of pressure lately and on Monday had very light and minimal spotting (twice).  So what did I do...freak out!!  Went to the doctor who didn't see anything wrong and heard a healthy and strong heartbeat, but ordered an ultrasound this week to check out the baby and my cervix (especially given my past).  Here is a happy, healthy and measuring 4 days ahead Baby Y :) The baby is looking at us and that is the left hand waving!!  We got to see the head, spine, kidney's, arms, hands, legs, feet and heart beating away!  Everything on Baby and Mommy looks great!
Baby Y at 16 weeks
2)  It gets better....I know your asking how....seriously though....we found out today that Baby Y is a bouncing baby BOY :)
Thanks Ashley for the idea of how to tell our parents and siblings via  Skype :)  That is the smile of a non-crazy happy pregnant woman!!

3)  My amazing husband for putting up with my worrying, crying and constantly asking him if my belly and boobs look bigger (not that he minds that much).  He is going to be a wonderful daddy and I am blessed to be married to such a wonderful man.

4)  Ashley....for your never ending support and for keeping me calm on Monday!!  So thankful we are friends!!

5) My wonderful mother who continues to always listen to me and for always putting a positive spin on everything!  I only hope to be half the mom she is!   You are amazing mom and I love you!!

6)  Spending time with Allison and Ben this weekend!!!!

7)  Air conditioning....seriously it is disgusting outside!!

8) little furry boy!!  He always makes me laugh and cuddles at just the right times.  Here is a video of him playing with the sprinkler in our backyard!!  Isn't he the cutest thing ever??

9) Only three more weeks until we visit my parents in WA!!!

Until next time....thanks for all your support, enjoy and stay cool :)

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