The Y's Happily Ever After

May 14, 2013

5 Months

William celebrated his 5 month birthday on Mother's Day.  I was blessed to be able to spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday with William and TJ.  Unfortunately I got a sinus infection and strep throat on Thursday and then gave William and TJ my stuffiness!  I guess we have been lucky that this is Williams first ever cold.  He has been such a trooper and he even let me cuddle with him for two hours on Mother's Day.  Now for the 5 month stats and pictures.

Height/Weight - We are guessing he weighs about 17 pounds and is at least 26 inches long :)
Eating - about 5 oz every three hours.  We have been doing rice cereal/banana oatmeal at night and just started oatmeal/rice in the morning.  We tried sweet potatoes on Mother's Day and he didn't like them but I'm pretty sure it is because of his cold as he isn't really eating the oatmeal either.  We will try again when he is feeling better.  He does a great job of opening his mouth for more and helping with the spoon when he does eat :)  We used to feed him in his bumbo on top of the table during dinner but have moved him to his highchair (the space saver one that sits on a regular chair) and he loves it!  He keeps chewing on the straps though!
Sleep - I hesitate to say anything for fear of jinxing it but sleep is pretty good.  We got our first cold on Friday so that has been throwing things off but for the most part, he only gets up once in the early morning (between 2-4) to eat and then sleeps until 7.  He still goes to bed between 7:30 - 8:00.  We aren't sure if it is due to his cold, but William has been sleeping on his stomach at naps and at night (which means Mommy stares at the monitor in fear that he will suffocate!!)  He is pretty consistant with being awake for 1 1/2 - 2 hours during the day and then taking a nap anywhere from 30 minutes - 2 hours.  He is very snuggly at night with Mommy before bed time.
Play - Will loves anything that makes noise or sings.  He is a rolling machine and will roll to get his musical toys.  He still loves his "no pants parties" where we take off everything but his diaper and let him roll around, wiggle, dance and sing to us on the floor.  He is starting to enjoy his bouncing activity center more and more.  William also likes the play peek-a-boo!

Like - up until he got a cold he loved eating oatmeal/cereal at night, tubby time, singing, chew beads, sitting in the bumbo watching mommy make bottles/do dishes/cook, Mickey Mouse Club House, musical toys, lullabys, talking to brae on her bed, LEO, playtime with daddy, walks, walks around the house to look at pictures, touching everything, putting everything in his mouth and reading just to name a few :)

Dislikes - runny noses, yelling (If I yell for TJ from upstairs he sometimes cries), wearing shoes and sometimes socks (he kicks them off), the end of his bottle, long car rides.

You can tell he doesn't feel well in this picture :(