The Y's Happily Ever After

February 26, 2013

Birth Story

Before I start to forget all the little is the story about how William came into the world on December 12, 2012!  As many of you already know I was scheduled to be induced on 12/14/12 because everyone thought William was going to be a huge!!

It all started around 1 a.m. on December 12th.  I woke up with horrible back pain.  At this point, TJ was sleeping in the guest bedroom because I moved around and woke up so frequently at night that I kept him up so he wasn't aware of anything that happened between 1 - 4:45 a.m.  The back pain was pretty severe so I assumed that William had decided to lay on my sciatic nerve.  I got on all fours and rocked back and forth to try and make him move (a little trick we learned in our birthing class).  I finally fell asleep around 1:30 a.m.  I woke up in pain again at 2:20, 2:40 and 3:00 a.m.  At 3:00 a.m. it dawned on me that this pain, all be it in my back and nothing like the contractions I had the previous sunday which felt like period cramps in my stomach, was coming in a pretty consistent pattern.  TJ had downloaded the contraction app on his Iphone a few days prior to start timing my contractions and I didn't want to wake him up so I downloaded the app on my phone and starting timing my back pain.  From 3 a.m to 4:30 a.m. I had pretty regular contractions (anywhere from 6-12 minutes apart lasting for about 1-2 minutes each).   When TJ came in at 4:45 a.m. I told him what was happening but that it was probably a false alarm (I had contractions the previous Sunday and they ended up stopping so I assumed the same thing would happen).  I told him to go to work and that I would call the doctors office when they opened at 8 to see what they wanted me to do.  TJ works about an hour from our house!  About 30 minutes after he left for work, my contractions were pretty much coming every 4-6 minutes.

Everyone asks about the is hard to describe because mine was mostly in my back.  It would start in my back and radiate to my stomach but the back pain was really really bad stomach cramps but in your lower back.  I will say that rocking on the exercise ball at home was the only thing that allowed me to breathe during a contraction.  Needless to say, I sent an email to work letting my boss know that there was no way I would make it in because I wouldn't be able to make it through any of my 45 minute long meetings without taking several breaks.  December 12th was supposed to be my last day at work anyways so I figured I would just rest up at home until the 14th (still didn't think it was going to happen).  I called the doctors office at 8 a.m. and they told me to head straight to the hospital so I called TJ and told him to head home.  At this point, I was really uncomfortable and having contractions pretty much every 5 minutes!  I was able to get in the shower and grab some toast to eat while waiting for TJ to come home and head off to the hospital.  The big workout ball was a lifesaver as it was the only thing that kept me breathing during contractions (something about the rocking back and forth was comforting).

TJ got home around 9:15 and he quickly changed and we headed off to the hospital.  I do have to say that I was pretty convinced at this point that William might make his arrival today!  TJ was super cute when he got home and got ready to go to the hospital so quickly!  I think we were both pretty excited and nervous as the same time!

We arrived at the hospital a little after 10 a.m. and they had been expecting us because my doctors office called to let them know I was on my way!  Before being admitted, they hook you up to measure your contractions and see how dilated you are just in case it is too early and you aren't ready yet.  The nurse informed me that I was 4 cm but that they wanted to measure my contractions for about 30 minutes before deciding to admit me.  After about 10 minutes she can back in and let me know that she was checking with the doctor as I was ready to move to a L&D room!  It was then that it hit me that our little boy would finally be here soon!!

I moved to the L&D room and met my new nurses :)  Shortly after being in L&D I was given the option to have my epidural, which given the back labor was a wise choice!!  TJ is the best at telling the story of the the anesthesiologist who had a thick Russian accent.  Basically the only word that we were clearly able to understand was "paralyzed" to which I responded "okay where do I sign!"  It only took three tries for them to get the epidural in and TJ was there the entire time.  The funny part is that the time he finally got the epidural in was during a!  Once the epidural was in (around 12:15) I felt great!  I advised TJ to go get lunch since he might not have an opportunity later!  I was too excited to sleep so I talked to TJ, played on my phone, monitored William's heart rate and chatted with my mom!

At 1:30 p.m. I was about 6 cm but my contractions weren't strong (due to the epidural) so I was given pitocin to speed things up.  The best part about delivering William a little bit later was that we got our favorite doctor, Dr. Gonzalez!  He was a lifesaver during my pregnancy, alleviating all of my worries and with a huge sense of humor!  While we waited for William to come I was starving but could only have Popsicles (I opted for the orange because I didn't want a red or purple mouth from the grape or cherry flavors).  ** My advice would be to skip the Popsicle...more on that later. **

TJ's parents arrived at 4:30 p.m. (my mom arrived at the airport in Seattle to begin her journey east....we had booked her ticket awhile back so she would arrive a few days before my due date so she was pretty upset that she was missing the birth).  At 6:00 p.m. I was 9 cm dilated and told that I would probably begin pushing in the next hour. 

Unfortunately, our nurse had to leave at 7 pm and the nurse we had during delivery was, for a lack of a better word, a bitch.  At 7:10, Dr. Gonzalez came in and said it was time to push.  TJ's parents left to wait in the waiting room for William to be born!  Remember those popsicles I ate earlier...well right before I had to push for the first time, I threw up the popsicles all over TJ.  The funny part was the doctor was excited that I was throwing up and pushing at the same time cause apparently when you throw up you push correctly!

If you ever want to know the craziness that happened between the nurse and the doctor for the next hour, you will need to ask TJ as I was busy pushing!

After an hour of pushing and at 8:19 p.m. William Thomas made his arrival!  I heard him cry shortly after being born and my heart just melt!  I was in love with my little boy and I hadn't even seen him yet!  After a pretty easy labor, our 8 lb 4 oz and 21 inch long beautiful baby boy was born :)  He had an Apgar of 9.9 and he passed his diabetes screenings.  He was and still is PERFECT!

(I did eat my italian hogie from Little Italy Deli that TJ's parents brought me after he was born!)

All in all, I consider myself lucky to have such a pretty easy labor :)  We love you so much William!!


February 22, 2013

Crib is with Mommy sadness that I am attempting to move William from the pack-n-play in our bedroom to his crib in his room.  I just feel like it is happening all to fast :(  Why then am I attempting the move...that dreaded thing called work.  Yes, UNFORTUNATELY, in just a few weeks, I am headed back to work.  I do realize how fortunate I have been to take a full twelve weeks and I am SUPER lucky to have my mom watching William for the rest of the school year.  That being said, I don't wanna go back to work and leave William :(  I realized that getting ready for work in the morning without waking William up would not be easy so we are attempting to move him to his crib.

Today I started with just naps in his room.  Due to his acid reflux, he is supposed to be elevated when he sleeps.  Since I decided to do this today (no planning) I had to place a pillow under his mattress to elevate it instead of having TJ use wooden blocks to elevate the entire crib like we have done with the pack-n-play.  This is what he decided to do...scoot all the way down!!  He did the same thing in his pack-n-play when I used a pillow at first....super cute :)

February 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

10 Weeks Old Today :)

 Tummy Time
 Getting pretty good at holding up my head :)
Auntie Nomi made me the blue sweater I have it!
William talking to Mommy

February 14, 2013

Swimming and 2 month update

We will start off with the stats from our two month appointment first!!  William did a great job getting his first set of shots (I'm pretty sure that I cried just as much as he did!)  William is 12 lbs 8 oz (70th percentile) and 23.5 inches long (70th percentile)!  The doctor gave him a great report and gave us some exercises to do to help him not favor his right side so much when he sleeps :)  All in all a very happy and healthy baby boy!  Daddy took off work and we got to grab some lunch together with our happy boy!!

This week, William and I were super lucky to spend the day with Ashley and Kennedy!  We were fortunate enough to take both babies on their first swimming trip!  We carefully had to pick a time where both babies were happy and not napping (LOL)!  Both William and Kennedy did a great job and were seemed to really enjoy swimming!!  Looks like we have some water babies :)  We cannot wait to take them on their first trip to the beach :)


Happy Babies and Happy Mommy's

February 7, 2013

2 months

This post is a day late because our internet and cable were not working yesterday (they are doing work at the end of our street and cut through the line!!)

Height/Weight - unofficially about 12 pounds ...official weight to come after our 2 month appointment next week!!

Eating- We are still breastfeeding and bottle feeding at every meal.  We get about 3 oz of formula every 2-3 hours and a 4 oz. right before bedtime.  We recently discovered that William has silent reflux (boo) so he is currently taking medication and it seems to be helping him feel more comfortable!

Sleep- Ehh....currently we have fought every nap today so it is hard to write this!!  Most days, William will take 2-3 naps for 1 - 2.5 hours in length.  We are very blessed and lucky that he sleeps for about a 4-5 hour stretch at night, wakes up to eat, sleeps for another 2-3 hour stretch, wakes up to eat and sleep for another 2 hours before waking for the day!!  It is his night time routine that makes the days he fights sleep and gets mad a me a little easier to lets keep the nighttime sleep schedule okay!!

Play-  Will is still in love with Louie the light and Freddie the Fan.  He is starting to look around for TJ and I and talk/smile at us more often.  He is starting to hit his toys when playing on his playmate and likes his tummy time.  We have been going through a "fussy phase" (at least that is what I'm calling it) where we aren't very happy some days when we are awake and therefore appear to hate our play mat!!  Hopefully we will learn to like it again soon!

Likes - Eating, Loves Bath Time (pictures below), when mommy makes noises with her mouth, when daddy plays peak-a-boo, tummy time on my ladybug spinner, chillin in the Moby, walks in the Bob, shopping with Kennedy and Ashley, being naked and kicking around!

Dislikes - Naps (inconsistently but still not a big fan lately), Car Seat (oh my....lets just say that unless mommy is sitting in the back, driving anywhere requires several stops and mommy sometimes driving and holding the paci in my mouth), Pacifier (still hates it and will only tolerate it when mommy takes my bottle out really quick and puts the paci in my mouth (this is how we get anywhere in the car!)

Morning Playtime :)

2 month bath time :)
Think I will be sucking my thumb soon!

 I don't want my picture taken Mommy!!
After a long day of shopping with Kennedy and Ashley I needed a quick nap on Mommy!

We are two months old!!