The Y's Happily Ever After

May 5, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm getting better at posting more often :)

There is so much to be thankful for this week!

1) A sense of Peace for many family's affected by 9-11 and to all the brave men and women who continue to fight to keep us safe each and every day....I am incredibly thankful for you and all you do!

2) Kelly for always making me laugh....I loved your walrus dance today....I think we need to teach the kids and make it a hit :) You always go above and beyond to make things easier for really are AMAZING :) I know you don't hear it enough, but you are wonderful and always do a great job!!

3) Successful meetings and a compliment from a supervisor from the KLC :)

4) Blueberries :)

5) I think people are going to start thinking I'm obsessed with Ashley, but seriously, she is just amazing and even though she has a DIFFICULT (to put it mildly) student in her class who has hit, pushed and kicked her this week, she left today with a smile. I only wish there was more I could do to make her work days go more smoothly :( Thank you for always making my day fun. Was that a snowball that just hit you???

6) My Madre for sending me the cutest book ever...can't wait to read/use it....Love you!!

7) I am thankful for being home before 8:30 pm tonight. It has been a rough week and this is the first night I was able to work out, eat dinner with my hubby and take Leo for a walk :)

8) It's almost the all my friends who are Mom's or Mom's to be....Happy Mother's Day :)

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