The Y's Happily Ever After

May 2, 2011


Seriously...........ALLERGIES! I often wonder why some people have allergies and others don't! I unfortunately am lucky enough to have allergies (said sarcastically). Don't get me wrong....if you don't suffer from allergies I am so happy for you :)
A little boring history....I was on allergy shots for a number of years and they seemed to help, but I was still taking allergy medicine while getting the shots! I'm basically allergic to everything brown and green outside as well as cats and dogs. Needless to say, I believe I have become immune to Leo and would never consider giving him up just because an allergist said I was allergic to him :) I decided about 2 years ago to stop taking shots and surprisingly, I did very well off the shots and felt better just using allergy medication :) I was very nervous about getting married in May, outside in a beautiful garden. Luckily, my allergies were almost non-existent for my Wedding day :) Normally, when the pollen comes out, I get a little stuffy and my eyes water a little bit....nothing that Benadryl, in addition to my allergy medicine, can't fix.
That brings us to the past few weeks. My allergies have been AWFUL....seriously, ridiculously AWFUL. I can deal with a runny nose, but the itchy, watery eyes have got to go. If you have had allergies, you understand the itchy, watery's ridiculous. My eyes get so bad that it gets hard to drive cause they are watering and so itchy. So why am I venting if it is obvious I will always suffer from allergies ..........because there is nothing else I can take to control my allergies at this time.....I'm taking it all. I guess I just have to hope that it gets better, I develop an immunity or that some miracle cure is developed.
So if you don't suffer from allergies(please celebrate) and please be sympathetic to those of us that walk around looking like we are crying or "high" because our eyes are red, watery and itchy!

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