The Y's Happily Ever After

January 16, 2012

Focus on the Positive

My new motto for 2012: Focus on the positive and believe.

Although 2012 has been a little rocky so far....I'm holding out hope that it will be the best year for us :)

On January 7th, I decided to take a pregnancy test because I was a few days late but didn't have any period symptoms other than a little cramping.   If you read my blog or know me, I'm terrified of pregnancy tests because for so long they only said one thing "not pregnant!"  I waiting until TJ left to run errands so that I wouldn't have to get him all worked up for nothing.  To my surprise....I took the digital pregnancy test and it came out positive...PREGNANT!  I jumped up an down and screamed!!!  I called TJ right away and told a little white lie (I told him I fell and needed him to come home) so that he would rush back.  We cried and smiled and just held each other.  For most couples, getting pregnant comes easy.....but for us, it has been a little bit of a struggle with unexplained infertility, IUI treatments and a missed miscarriage at 3 months. 

Our hearts were so happy because we got pregnant on our doctors, fertility drugs or treatments....just the two of us!  Needless to say we were once again on cloud 9.  This is the positive we will continue to focus on :)

Unfortunately, I miscarried a few days later.  While our hearts were once again broken and the many "why" questions started to surface again....we have been able to pick up the pieces and look forward to the future.  As hard as this was, it helped us realize that it is possible for us to get pregnant on our own.

So while my heart is still sad for our loss....we are focusing on the big glimmer of hope that we can get pregnant on our own :)  Here's to hoping that a post in the very near future is celebrating a healthy pregnancy.

Thank you for your continued thoughts, prayers and positivity!

2012 is going to be our year....I can just feel it!

1 comment:

  1. It will happen. I will send my positive thoughts your way.
